More Thailand
Khao Yai National Park

Bats are so cool!

SO COOL! 2 million of these suckers fly out of their cave at 6 PM every night. These guys were about 5 feet above us.

2 Million! SO COOL!!!


We actually saw these guys. A monitor lizard, a white gibbon...

a real WILD elephant. Our guide had us walk up to her along a path but then we had to walk around her through a field and take pictures furtively from behind bushes. Afterwards, from a distant wildlife watch tower, we saw tourists approach her and get charged! SO COOL!!!

This scorpion was just chillin' in the road -- his stinger was run over, but he's still SO cool! He really is about 6 inches long and the scariest thing I've ever seen.

These may look dorky, and they are, but their wingspans are 2 meters and they make a huge swooping, swooshing noise when they fly around. Very cool.

flanked by Scandinavian birdwatchers, we have a San Franciscan named Natalie, an Aussie named Anna, Germans Lize (short for Elizabeth) and Jana, David from Belgium, you can't miss me, then Sarah, the Swedes, John and Isabel.

This is the waterfall from "the Beach" -- GOD I love Leo. This is before I lost 80 pounds eating nothing and constantly... anyways...

Back in Bangkok

I love Thailand. "Flush! Shit Guy." I think that needs a comma, but it is charming. "Caution Eat Dust Me" I just can't piece together. "Guy! You can not Come in," this one is part of a goodie bag handed out at women's self-defense classes all over Thailand. Probably.

Seriously. I triple-taked this one. Best quality. >hanging my head in shame<

To replace the bag for the ukelele I've been carrying around on the trip, Sarah and I went to a fabric store, picked up 1 and a quarter meters of fabric and walked around town looking for a seamstress who could make me a bag. We found this woman, like many others in Bangkok, sitting at the opening to a cluttered storefront working on her sewing machine. She handily made the bag and volunteered her cat as a stand in when I asked if I could take a picture of her. The bag has worked out wonderfully. Thanks random Thai seamstress!

Miss Puke, maseusse. Awesome.

I hate this rat bastard, bowing or not.

Chiang Mai

This wooden temple was our favorite in Thailand. It was the only one we saw that's aura wasn't bowed under the weight of gold paint.

Huge Buddha among smaller Buddha sculptures. You can't have too many Buddhas. Thailand has proved that.

The Legend of Three Kings Exchanging "Five," celebrated globally, immortalized in sculpture only in Thailand.
